Friday 28 August 2015

Mid Year Resolution #3


Photo of shopping bags

So this is the last of my 3 resolutions and in a weird way possibly the hardest (I will totally take that statement back when I am lying on the floor dying after my next run). No more clothes/shoes shopping! 

This was actually my first resolution, made after I had sworn not to buy a dress for an upcoming family wedding and to wear something I had, only to buckle in the weeks before it and get a dress, shoes, bag and wrap. I realised it was ridiculous to have all this stuff that I never wore that I was adding to with more things that I wouldn’t wear and swore to stop shopping.

I think fashion/style/dressing-up is something I came to quite late in life compared to many of my friends and as a result I love the thrill of buying something new. However the Scottish sensible part of me doesn’t like to part with my cash and so I am a sucker for a ‘bargain’ even if I end up with half a dozen cheap outfits costing more than one quality piece. The other problem I have is that (especially with nicer things) I save them for an unknown undetermined event. I regularly pick something nice out of the wardrobe to wear then decide not to, in case I need it for something specific and it is in then in the wash or I damage it, even if all I have coming up that week is a trip to the supermarket. I realized the drawers are full of nice things that I never wear and that I keep just buying repeats of the same old basic things to get that shopping thrill- enough is enough!

I have got a few caveats on this though- I can still shop for essentials if they are needed -not wanted but needed. E.g. if I ripped all of my tights (quite likely) or all my white T-shirts ended up pink after an unfortunate washing machine vs sock incident. Equally if I get any vouchers I am allowed to spend them and can accept gifts if anyone wants to buy my anything… hint hint.
I have to admit this hadn’t been too hard at first, we hadn’t been to Manchester or the shops at the weekends and Mr Owl had also decided to pause any shopping so he can have a bigger splurge on a new watch later in the year, so we had been supporting each other. However at the weekend while the car was getting its MOT I had time to kill, and popped into Zara ‘just to see what autumn styles were in’. I think the fact I walked out with nothing is testament to my stubbornness, either that or I couldn’t find the till due to my teary eyes at all the nice things I can’t buy- stupid resolutions. (If there are any Zara people reading this and feeling sorry for me please see my caveats above- my ban excludes gifts so send me all your lovely new stuff please…)

I am now almost 2months into this and just hope that I can hold strong for the next 4. I have my birthday in November so can hopefully use that to get a few nice pieces. As a side challenge to this, it will hopefully force me to be more creative and innovative with what I have and to try and channel some of the new trends without buying anything new. Meantime I think I will avoid temptation by staying away from the shops and trying not to browse online (hastily closes open browser window). Any tips on staying strong in the face of all that suede and 70s loveliness that is this autumn appreciated.

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