Wednesday 18 March 2015

Argentinian Barbecue

Ok- for those of you clicking on here expecting to see a post from Argentina (I wish!) or an asado then you will be disappointed but bear with me. We have been watching the Cook Abroad series on the BBC- we are a little behind the actual broadcasts but it is on iplayer - and last week we saw John Torode in Argentina. Before the episode had even ended, in fact about 5minutes in, we knew that steak was going to be on the menu for the weekend. I have mentioned before my willingness to take a theme and run with it for food, so in addition to the steak we decided to make our own chimichurri sauce to accompany it, have empanadas to start and some sort of dulce de leche pudding. All we needed now was the barbecue element. Landrover and this winter's #hibernot campaign then came to mind (yes we regularly think about/discuss/fantasize about the Landrover of our dreams... another post another time!) and we decided to acquire a barbecue and go for it weather whatever, ok to be fair we checked it was due to be dry as barbecuing under golf umbrellas is a pain!

Planning done when the weekend came around it was time to instigate it. Now I admit that we cheated on the empanadas as M&S do some lovely ready made ones in their snacks/deli section. We also needed a sweet milky pudding and it is impossible to resist buying the Billionaires Dessert when in M&S so in that went too. Luckily Sainsbury's are already selling disposable BBQs so that solved that dilemma.

The evening started with empanadas (which I forgot to photo as I was busy eating them) and a glass of caiprinha. Although this is really a Brazilian drink it is the same continent, so that counts right? These have been hit and miss in the past, but this time we made our own sugar syrup beforehand and it was much better. We did a simple 1:1 ratio of caster sugar and water and gave it a good shake. We also added some mint into ours for a caiprinha-mojito vibe. It worked!

Then it was on to the chimichurri. We ended up with 2 versions of this. The first we did with fresh parsley, dried oregano, garlic, chilli, vinegar and oil however Mr Owl was not pleased. He claimed the gauchos would use dried parsley and so a second batch was whipped up. Personally I preferred the fresh parsley version but I think this is a sauce that will only improve with practice. The dried one is at the front in the below shot.

Finally after all the prep it was time for the steaks themselves. We had lit the BBQ earlier so it was lovely and hot and the steaks were seasoned and oiled. There was something quite exciting about standing outside the in the dark (with a drink) while they cooked away. I am sure the neighbours must have though we were mad, but we had fun. To accompany the steak we did 'special potatoes' (par boiled potatoes fried with onion and garlic) and corn on the cob also finished on the BBQ for that smoky flavour. The whole thing was a complete success and tasted fantastic. It was extra special to be outside in the dark looking at the stars while everything cooked. I now plan to get a big chiminea or fire pit that we can use to keep warm so we can make more of being outdoors even during the colder darker months. It was really invigorating to be outside in the fresh air and am sure it helped us sleep better, or was that the bottle of Argentinian Malbec?!  #Hibernot may be a marketing campaign but that doesn't mean that we don't benefit from actually doing it! This weekend is the equinox and if we didn't already have plans then I think we would be doing it all over again to celebrate!

Little Owl 

Monday 9 March 2015

Sweet Dreams

So in my Feb round up I jokingly asked if I could do a post just on my new bed, then I thought why the hell not? The importance of sleep is something that 'experts' are always going on about in relation to your overall health and a good bed is a vital part of that. In fact it was Mr Owl's grumblings about our previous bed that spurred us on to finally getting a new one. To be honest it wasn't the old bed that was the problem, it was the mattress on it. We had an Ikea Malm bed and had put a new Ikea mattress on it when we moved in here. We had bought the mattress after following the in store guide as to what should suit us, rather than going with what we thought - a mistake we won't make again. After 4 years it felt soft and saggy and Mr Owl was complaining of a sore back. Annoyingly we had a very good mattress on the spare bed that was never used, but due to having gone down the Ikea route it was too small on our bedframe. We considered getting a new bedframe instead, however as our bedside tables were matching Malm and we had large oak wardrobes too, it was hard to find a bed we thought looked right. Finally Ikea came to the rescue when searching once again through their website I discovered they now do standard size beds- hurrah! Even better they had started doing a higher version of the Malm bed with drawers underneath and we all know that more storage is never a bad thing! The result of this was a slightly manic weekend where we hired a van, went to get the new bed, dismantled the old one and drove it down to Mr Owl's parents (who having just moved house needed a bed for their spare room) and then taking the van back all in less than 24 hours- but it was totally worth it!

I love the new firmer mattress and being higher up, and a few weeks on I still pretend I am in the Princess and the Pea where she has to climb up in to her bed with a ladder (ok so I don't quite need a ladder) as it is so piled up with mattresses! The underbed drawers are great too- admittedly the ones at the head of the bed are hard to access due to the bedside tables, but I have used them to put all my summer clothes away in so I'll only need to open them occasionally when I swap between winter and summer stuff. The others have been used to hide away my (too many) pairs of shoes.

These photos are how our bedroom actually looks this afternoon - apologies for the poor lighting. We like to keep it fairly minimal and clutter free with nothing to distract from sleeping (ahem!). I love the look of hotel beds, with their fancy bedspreads and hundreds of cushions, but let's be honest you end up throwing them all on the floor, just to have to pick them all back up the next morning. However I do like to buy the best quality duvet covers I can sensibly afford as they help to give that luxury feeling. The one in the photos was from Debenham's and is by Christy.

Anyway that is our new bed and I guess a mini bedroom overview. All that's left now is to find a replacement mattress for the spare room before we have any visitors!

Little Owl 

Monday 2 March 2015

Monthly Memoir: Feb '15

So I have decided to start a little monthly review post, mainly so I can keep track of what happened when. While I tend to have a really good memory, I can never remember when things actually happened, for example I could tell you all about the time we drove to France in detail, but I haven't the slightest idea what year it was and would be guessing at the month (I know it was summer time-ish). Luckily Mr Owl has an uncanny memory for what exact date things happened on even if he can spend 5mins staring vaguely into the fridge wondering what he opened the door for!! It does make him really good in a pub quiz when they ask you what year a song was released in.

Anyway with all that in mind I will try and do a little review each month so that nothing gets overlooked. I plan to try and answer the same questions each time so there is a semblance of planning and continuity.

One word to sum up the month


Do something/go somewhere other than the norm?
Does Ikea count? It was a fairly quiet month otherwise. We attempted to do a big night out in Manchester but due to lack of restaurant booking it was more of a quiet night.

Best meal?
Valentines meal see here for details. 

Best drink?
Pint of the lovely Flat Cap back on as a guest in the local.

Buy anything new?
Does a bed count? (see Ikea above) I am still very excited about going to bed now, even over a week on from getting it. I feel like I am in the princess in the Princess and the Pea story now on her high bed of multiple mattresses. I may have to do a post just on the new bed such is the love!

Wear anything good?
Not the best month sartorialy speaking, and as I hadn't decided I was going to do this post I didn't do any outfit photos. Next month will be better I promise. Hopefully the challenge of one good outfit a month won't be too challenging (Then again I am currently in bright red jogging bottoms, about 3 layers and a hoodie over the lot so...) 

Anything else?
Only to say bear with me on this, hopefully next month will have more excitement and maybe even some photos!!

Little Owl