Monday 2 March 2015

Monthly Memoir: Feb '15

So I have decided to start a little monthly review post, mainly so I can keep track of what happened when. While I tend to have a really good memory, I can never remember when things actually happened, for example I could tell you all about the time we drove to France in detail, but I haven't the slightest idea what year it was and would be guessing at the month (I know it was summer time-ish). Luckily Mr Owl has an uncanny memory for what exact date things happened on even if he can spend 5mins staring vaguely into the fridge wondering what he opened the door for!! It does make him really good in a pub quiz when they ask you what year a song was released in.

Anyway with all that in mind I will try and do a little review each month so that nothing gets overlooked. I plan to try and answer the same questions each time so there is a semblance of planning and continuity.

One word to sum up the month


Do something/go somewhere other than the norm?
Does Ikea count? It was a fairly quiet month otherwise. We attempted to do a big night out in Manchester but due to lack of restaurant booking it was more of a quiet night.

Best meal?
Valentines meal see here for details. 

Best drink?
Pint of the lovely Flat Cap back on as a guest in the local.

Buy anything new?
Does a bed count? (see Ikea above) I am still very excited about going to bed now, even over a week on from getting it. I feel like I am in the princess in the Princess and the Pea story now on her high bed of multiple mattresses. I may have to do a post just on the new bed such is the love!

Wear anything good?
Not the best month sartorialy speaking, and as I hadn't decided I was going to do this post I didn't do any outfit photos. Next month will be better I promise. Hopefully the challenge of one good outfit a month won't be too challenging (Then again I am currently in bright red jogging bottoms, about 3 layers and a hoodie over the lot so...) 

Anything else?
Only to say bear with me on this, hopefully next month will have more excitement and maybe even some photos!!

Little Owl 


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