Monday 31 March 2014

Spring Forward!

When we moved to our current house I made several wardrobe related resolutions, one was too try and keep our own stuff to our own room (no more filling up the spare room wardrobe with outfits) and the other was to stop rotating winter and summer clothes and just make the most out of everything. Eventually it became clear that I either couldn't keep both of those resolutions, or I was going to have to clear out a lot of stuff, so back to separating out some winter and summer things it was. As the weather has started to warm up and the nights get lighter I have found myself hesitating at putting on a thick woolly dress, so when the clocks changed this weekend I decided it was time to pack the winter gear away and get out all my lovely summery things (even if it is still too cold to wear most of it) This means pulling everything out of the wardrobe and wrestling it into vacum bags to shrink down, only to discover that winter gear takes up twice as much space and that inevitably there is a hole in one of the bags (cue a quick dash to Argos). Eventually it was done and I now feel like I have a whole new wardrobe to play with as I find things I forgot I had. Ironically saying this I am sat here writing in my usual home working attire of hoody and joggy bottoms, not a floaty summer's dress in sight, but the wardrobe is there bursting (literally) with potential!

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